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Translations wanted!!!

In the world of Chartagon there are many different cultures, and they speak many different languages. Eventually they evoled to the languages we speak today… and because we want to share the Chartagon game to everyone, we need to translate the cards and the rules. Right now we only have translations for English, German and Swedish, and therefore reach out to the community: can anyone help us translate Chartagon to more languages? Spanish? Portuguese? French? Once we have a translation it will be available for download for DIY people, and as an option in the online shop.

We also want to translate to languages which have different charsets (symbols/signs), such as Mandarin, Russian, Hindustani, Arabic, etc, but at the moment we only know how to translate into latin charaters. If you want us to try other charsets, just let us know, it would be super exciting to try!

It takes ~3 hours of work to translate, and you will get your credit on the contributor page, and a game box. Just send us an email if you are interested!