Other games and mobile apps

The Chartagon game serie consists of four games (Storm Post, Discoveries, Traces and Lost Towers), but there is so much more! You find information about most side games and apps in the blog posts, but we thought that we should give you a list of the most important side projects:

Chartagon Relics

Relics is a solo-mini-game that you play as a solitaire with both cards, dice and pawns. It has a simple but fantastic map algorithm that creates new layouts in a very exciting way!

Chartagon Foghorn

Foghorn is also a solo-mini-game, but it only consists of a deck of cards. The map is the same every time, and your task is to find out how to get to the goal. Rest assured that you’ll need many tries!

[Showing an image would spoil some features of the game!]

Chartagon Asterism

Asterism is a card based game stemming from a popular game in Chartagon where you have to draw asterisms (or star constellations). This game is a bit like Dixit, yet very different.

Chartagon Still Standing

Still standing is just like Asterism a recreation of a Chartagonian game. The original game should be played with Chartagonian guides, but the current version can also be played with regular dice. The gameplay is something like bowling but with dice, and there are only “pawns” and dice, no cards or board.

[The final pieces are still under design]

Mobile app Chartagon Timer

The Chartagon Timer is a board game timer that has some extra features beyond the good look! For example, you can randomize the order of players!

Mobile app Chartagon Parallel Timer

The Chartagon Parallel Timer is a board game timer that was invented for very large Chartagon Competition campaignes! Each player has their own timer, and you are only allowed to move when the app says you can. This app ensures that gameplay flows naturally and in parallel, so it practically eliminates all downtime!

Mobile app Chartagon Weather

The Chartagon Weather app is a soundscape app to add atmospheric sounds for your game night! It features seagulls, waves, wind, rain, thunder and a bit more. You can let the app randomize the weather or you can control it by touch.