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Reptiles and amphibians

Sure, there are reptiles in Chartagon! These are Dareneons, translating to “stem lizards” or “stock lizards” or “tribe lizards”.

It is quite counterintuitive, but Chartagon has some specimens of reptiles and amphibians. However, the long cold autumns and winters, make their hybernation very long, and they are only active during very short periods of the Chartagonian summer. They have only been observed and studied at the mainland, and we have no reference to these beautiful animals from the islands. They live mostly in forest habitats, but some species can also have small populations in the plain habitats. The study of reptiles and amphibians have been focused on their potential use in medicine and anesthesia. Rumors say that the Queen has a green house garden with different spieces and habitats, but we have not found any proof or details about such a building yet.

One frog = dardoe, many frogs = darron.
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Mirorale, root beverage

Not ready yet: the water is just starting to turn white.

“Mirorale” was a popular beverage in Chartagon which was served both as a regular dinner thirst quencher and as a luxury drink during solemn occations.

Mirorale was produced by putting a special type of onion, “Annealyn”, in water and letting the roots grow for a couple of weeks. The roots are covered with a net of symbiotic fungus, which together with (friendly) bacteria started a fermentation process. This process made the water turn white, as if someone poured milk into the water, and sometimes Mirorale have been refered to as Mirorale-milk, “Mirorale -gomaen”, when the drink was of extra high high quality. The fermentation process could be stopped at various timepoints to add other ingredients, such as sweetener or flavour. If done correctly, the beverage could be botteled and aged for decades. However, it is not known whether Mirorale was also used for alcoholic beverages. In addition to drinking, Mirorale was also used in cooking and baking.

Unfortunately, we have not found an substitute for Annealyn onion that could be used today, but the taste should be similar to Kefir or Kombucha.

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Happy New 2022!!!!

Chartagon during winter? Or is it just an exclamation mark upside down?

Happy new year everybody! To be honest, 2021 was not the best of years for us. But we have not backed a single step. Actually, we have advanced and our visions and goals are now more concrete.

For example, development of Chartagon was finished, and we made an online version for competitions. This allows us to have online tournaments, and people can try and practice the basic rules to decide whether they want to purchase the full board game.

Another example is the Storm Post, the first game in the Chartagon series. It has been designed and tested since 2011 but was finished during 2021. It is more or less ready to be manufactured now. Storm Post is a really cosy family game, which is really easy to learn and enjoy. It encourages eating snacks together, so we can almost guarantee a good experience 🙂

We have also applied to arrange at GothCon 2022 in Gothenburg, Sweden in April, and I think we need to have at least one release party before then. This is a step toward a Kickstarter project or some other crowdfunding project. We’ve found a possible manufacturer in Hero Time, so we might have found a solid path forward. Remember: publishing the game is only the first step, and we are already looking beyond that.

All in all, 2022 has potential, and we just need to continue unlocking it!