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The plans are dead. Long live the plans!

All our enthusiasm in October about having a release in 2021 was killed in November by an unfortunate series of events. TGC mistakenly did not include the final rule book that we needed to proof, and sending a replacement took a very long time due to covid-19 transports. When it finally arrived it looked good, but it was too late to order and recieve a larger order before Christmas. So we decided to postphone the release and consider other options than TGC.

Perhaps it all turns out to the better. We’ve been in contact with other game manufacturers, and there seem to be some options. We’re now also thinking about a Kickstarter project, depending on what the game manufacturers can provide. As usual we don’t talk a lot about the plans, but we can at least say that we dropped one plan because a third party failed and adopted another plan. Adaption is key not only for survival, but also for evolution. Long live the plans!