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Another proverb

While the previous two proverbs both had a serious aspect to them, the following proverb have not, and therefore get its own post. “It is the first pancake that taste like the pan” was found in the margins of the Clerks own notebook, when he reflected over his first writings as a clerk. Surely, it must mean that his early writing style was heavily influenced by his supervisor or that he was naive to the situation and let the context influence his texts.

As a side note, I remember once as a ph.d. student, I entered my professors office and looked at his wall full of bookshelves and books. I sighed and asked, “did you really read all these books?”. He had a very friendly nature, and said with a little laughter, “you don’t need to eat the whole apple to know it is rotten”. When I look back, it is so obvious how my first scientific studies was influenced by my senior supervisors, and I cannot but take my hat for the Chartagonian proverb. Of course, this also applies to children growing up, and what they learn. Over time we will find our own ways in lift, but the first pancake will taste like the pan.