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Finding an island

Spotting the island

Some days before Christmas we decided to explore a lake in the middle of the forest, where we hoped to find some adventure. It has been a mild winter, so we guessed that there would not be ice covering the lake. We were fortunate. Only the beaches had a thin layer of ice, and we could easily bash our way out to open water. The water was perfectly still, and a thick mist covered everything. Soon we could not see any land, and small rocks appeared and disappeard as we silently passed them. Night was falling and we hope to reach our destination, a larger island with sandy beaches, before it was completely dark. It’s a good thing that our eyes adapt to darkness, and this time we really pushed our limits. After some hours of canoeing we finally spotted the island, as it emerged as a dark shadow from the white mist!

Finding a place to land…

It took quite some time before we found a good place to land, and after sitting still for so long it felt good to finally walk the beaches. However, because we forgot the tent at home (!!! we realized this already in on the way to the lake, but decided to continue without the tent), we had to find a shelter where we could keep an open fire. We now walked in complete darkness, and the only sound came from our footsteps and the water dripping from the mist covered trees. After some time searching we found a shelter which contained both roof and fire wood, and we decided to stay there. Still, sleeping next to an open fire without a proper sleeping mat is somewhat uncomfortable… so very early in the morning we decided to head back home. But all in all, a very nice trip!