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The plans are dead. Long live the plans!

All our enthusiasm in October about having a release in 2021 was killed in November by an unfortunate series of events. TGC mistakenly did not include the final rule book that we needed to proof, and sending a replacement took a very long time due to covid-19 transports. When it finally arrived it looked good, but it was too late to order and recieve a larger order before Christmas. So we decided to postphone the release and consider other options than TGC.

Perhaps it all turns out to the better. We’ve been in contact with other game manufacturers, and there seem to be some options. We’re now also thinking about a Kickstarter project, depending on what the game manufacturers can provide. As usual we don’t talk a lot about the plans, but we can at least say that we dropped one plan because a third party failed and adopted another plan. Adaption is key not only for survival, but also for evolution. Long live the plans!

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The Queens capital!?!

Today we found some scraps and pieces that may contain information about the Queen’s capital. Preliminary analyses suggest an archipelago or, more probable, a river delta giving shelter from the ocean. Navigating into and out from the harbour required an intricate system of navigation aids, and it seems like there was at least five small light house stations involved. These small stations, with three or four houses each, were served by families living for different periods of time at each station. Communications with the city was regular, and there was something like a ferry line transporting supplies and guests several times a week.

Information about the the city itself is still scarce. It can not have had more than 10 000-15 000 habitants, but we know that there was a palace and a lot of administrative and academic buildings.

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Backdrop ready!

We are preparing for release party this autumn!!! Hopefully we will receive enough boxes from TheGameCrafter to finally launch Chartagon and Storm Post during November! We had a small misfortune in our last order, but TheGameCrafter’s excellent customer service solved it very rapidly. So we are enthusiastic 😀

The last weeks we’ve been working on the backdrop for the sales table, and today we’re working with the finishing touches… looking forward to see it in use!

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October 2021 holds great potential

It’s been a while. Progress has moved unseen in the shadows. Now, we are about to unleash a major, major upgrade to the Chartagon world. If things turn out as planned, there will be a Chartagon event where we present the board game to the world! Though everything has been delayed due to the pandemic, we think it’s been worth the wait…

Right now, we just wait for the right moment to unbox the package with Chartagon, Storm Post and Traces that just arrived. Yes, we’ve updated all three games this time! Chartagon and Storm Post is hopefully perfectly done, and we look forward to polish Traces during the autumn.

See you soon!

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Storm Post soundscape

There is no doubt that this tune was composed by the clerk/writer. As with many other tunes that we’e found in the Chartagonian world, it has the rhytm of a slow waltz. From the documents that we’ve recovered from the Clerks chest, we’ve learned that the Clerk came to the Storm Island shortly after the Contructor had left the island, and before the Light House Keeper and his daughter arrived. The Poet wrecked her small boat during a stormy September night, but refused to stay inside the light house. Instead, she made a tree house and stayed there until her restlessness brought her to another adventure. The Clerk’s drawing of the Storm Island is from the same year in October, and according to his notes this tune was made at the same time.

The Clerk’s notes also say that distant fog horns was occasionally heard in the fog surrounding the island, and that shadows of passing boats and ships could sometimes be seen, always on the north side of the island. However, he could never see the shape of the ships, or learn from what time or culture they came from. The poet’s boat was an exception, as it came from the south. Apart from the Poet, the Clerk never saw any signs of other people on Storm Island, until he had to continue his journey and document the island of SolvÃ¥gen (“Gomisver” in Chartagonian, which roughly translates to “where-the-sun-is-seen-through-the-waves).

The Storm Island soundscape